Censorship, Opinions & More

Why write anything towards anything if it’s all either going to be “censored”, removed or sold off on “lists”? Isn’t “censorship” enough? Apparently, not! What isn’t “censored or removed” are only “opinions”, including mine. That’s all that anything is. Can you ask a say, “doctor” about their car or their house repairs/renovations or otherwise? WhileContinue reading “Censorship, Opinions & More”

What’s Good For The Gander…

An empty chair doesn’t always mean death. The adult child has to respect the parent’s being as much. If they don’t…oh well. No one can make them. One day they will realize though what you meant to them and it may be too late.

Let Go Of “Toxic” People

What most people often don’t think about or realize is that someone like me, has issues in their life too. It’s not like everything brings cake and ice cream or sprinkles and rainbows. There are problems but, they don’t care. Why? It’s more than likely because they’ve never had to concern themselves with worry aboutContinue reading “Let Go Of “Toxic” People”

Treat Others As They Treat You

Why it’s important not to treat others with anger and why you shouldn’t let them.

A Letter To A Stoned Moron

Dear “Honest” Stoner: Let us be perfectly clear in what we’re about to say here. First of all, demanding that others stop doing something while you are higher than a kite daily from the moment you open your eyes until you close them again at night and at all hours in between, while you raidContinue reading “A Letter To A Stoned Moron”

Control Equals Lack Of Trust In Others

When someone has a control issue and feels the need to oversee everything that others do, it’s considered a lack of trust. Besides being childish and immature, it’s plainly stating that one person doesn’t trust others to do as they want them to do while seeing that they do. In other words, in the controllingContinue reading “Control Equals Lack Of Trust In Others”

Writing Letters Doesn’t Solve Anything Nor Does Continuing To Take Flack

It’s been an interest of mine as to why people do the things that they do. Most of it comes through their own imagined issues with someone else, several others and, or through or with someone else’s help. In other words, they see what they want to see instead of what’s really there and whatContinue reading “Writing Letters Doesn’t Solve Anything Nor Does Continuing To Take Flack”

What Do Parents Do When Estranged From

It’s not that I have all good days and am completely over it but, estrangement is much like a punishment to parents by their offspring. I’ve spent my fair time in grieving over a lost child-turned adult. She’s clearly allowing herself to espouse the unnatural and unhealthy thinking that has infected so many people outContinue reading “What Do Parents Do When Estranged From”

Estrangement, Time To Think & Less Got Done During A Pandemic

Being in the middle of a global pandemic gives us all time. Actually, it gives us all loads of time to think. Perhaps, it’s too much time to think. In spite of having the best of intentions of doing things around the house, like cleaning or tossing or whatever, we come to realize 2 things.Continue reading “Estrangement, Time To Think & Less Got Done During A Pandemic”

Just Walk Away

Has anyone ever bothered you so greatly that you’re finding yourself in a complete tailspin, worrying and wondering what they may be doing or how they are? Yes? If so, reach out to them and try to see what you can get from them or not get. If you’re not getting anything from them, maybeContinue reading “Just Walk Away”