Bullsh*t To The “Experts” On Adult Child Estrangement Tips

There’s a lot of articles out in Cyberland, written by so-called “experts” about estranged adult children and how to deal with them.  Most of them are centred around the idea of the parent taking blame for the estrangement even if those parents have no clue as to what they did that could have caused itContinue reading “Bullsh*t To The “Experts” On Adult Child Estrangement Tips”

How Do I Stop Being So Nice

That’s an EXCELLENT question. I struggle with that myself too more than I care to think about. Often we think that if we are “nice” to others, others will treat us with kindness in return. Or, we may feel that if we are nice, others will like or love us more. It’s the old “doContinue reading “How Do I Stop Being So Nice”

Roseanne The Show: Is Returning To TV As A Rebooted Series

ABC has resurrected the old tv show, “Roseanne”.  Yes, you heard me right.  Thanks to ABC, fans will be able to tune into the same cast sometime early in 2018 sources say.  Filming has already begun with Laurie Metcalf (Jackie, Roseanne’s kid sister) and Roseanne Barr (Roseanne Conner) telling the world that it’s great toContinue reading “Roseanne The Show: Is Returning To TV As A Rebooted Series”

Celebrity Deaths: Families Don’t Offer Many Public Memorials

How many celebrities have we all heard have passed away?  Yet, how many public memorials does the public get to see or attend? Answer:  Not many. I understand that the families of those celebrities who have passed away, don’t wish to have a public funeral and want their privacy.  They should have their private funeralsContinue reading “Celebrity Deaths: Families Don’t Offer Many Public Memorials”

Not Even A Birthday Wish From Our Child: The Estranged Adult Child

We were out for dinner with friends.  It was my husband’s birthday.  We’d had a great time all night. Then, hit the moment where my friend and I began a real conversation about a topic that I find hard to deal with.  Our daughter. “She didn’t even text her father a Happy Birthday,” I saidContinue reading “Not Even A Birthday Wish From Our Child: The Estranged Adult Child”

American Idol Reboot Already A Flop?

People have auditioned already.  They lined up in groves and they’re nearly done this round of the rebooted competition. “Houston….we have a problem!” That should be the re-start’s anthem line. Filming with the judges, should have happened at the end of September yet, they’re still no closer to finding judges than they were months ago.Continue reading “American Idol Reboot Already A Flop?”

Nothing We Do Is Safe

It really doesn’t matter where you go or what you do, there’s harm waiting for you somewhere, somehow.  It cannot be avoided. There, I’ve said it. This little realization came upon the heels of my husband and his friend, having been mugged by a little thug-wannabe who leaped into a waiting car with 3 otherContinue reading “Nothing We Do Is Safe”

Life Teaches Us Lessons Whether We Want Them or Not

There’s no one walking this planet who hasn’t fallen upon hard times, lost people they loved or cared about, taken ill, had emotional issues or whatever else one can add into the mix.  No matter what we all would love to think, no one can escape these things.  It doesn’t matter how much money weContinue reading “Life Teaches Us Lessons Whether We Want Them or Not”