Ketogenic Diets A New Twist On Stuffing Yourself While Hoping To Lose Weight

The newest fad diet crazes are being combined but, are actually only old diets, revamped, labelled and combined as a marketing ploy.  More to the point, they are simply ways to cut caloric intake while still allowing themselves to feel stuffed, full or not hungry.  Sad point is, it’s growing in popularity as it didContinue reading “Ketogenic Diets A New Twist On Stuffing Yourself While Hoping To Lose Weight”

How To Lose Body Weight Not Wallet Weight

If you eat this way, you’ll lose weight. Try our programme and see how quickly the pounds will melt off.  (Jenny Craig, Nutri-System, Weight Watchers and the list goes on and on) Become Vegan. It’s dairy and animal products that put on your pounds and, you’ll be saving animals and the planet while you’re atContinue reading “How To Lose Body Weight Not Wallet Weight”