Spiritual Awakening/Enlightenment Doesn’t Mean Loving Everything Or Everyone

Contrary to what the mass of society tends to believe nowadays, the term “Spiritual Enlightenment/Spiritually Awakened” does not mean loving everyone and everything, never feeling negativity or dislike towards someone or something.  It also does not mean that one has to speak with kindness always either nor, does it mean that when someone lashes out at something or someone, that they aren’t spiritually enlightened or awakened.  On the same hand, plastering a smile upon one’s face constantly, getting into a Zen Pose, speaking calmly and perhaps, even in New Age Terms, also does not mean that someone is Spiritually Enlightened or Awakened.


One is not religious necessarily because they go to church every week and donate money to the collection plates being passed around.  The physical body being in a building, deemed as a church, synagogue, mosque or whatever religious building it’s been deemed each week and taking out of one’s wallet, does not a religious person make.  Equally, a clergy person, standing at the front of a religious building, dressing the part and proclaiming to be a member of the clergy, also does not necessarily point to a religious person even though religious words are coming out of their mouths. Being a clergy member or a religious person also does not mean having to love everyone and everything, or always spewing out positivity towards everything and everyone.

One need only look as far as the Evangelists who have been caught, taking money under fraudulent guises in the name of “God” before one can find an example to cite.  Though their words spoke the right language and their images were those of Holy men and women, their actions spoke loudly that they were charlatans.  Week after week, they’d produce or pour out television or radio programming and pack churches to the rafters with worshippers who believed in their Biblical teachings and their words that promised healing in one way or another.  Millions watched their television sets each week and some, every day.  Yet, their intentions were no more “God” based or religious than the grifter on the street, taking money from people to play the cup and ball game.  The right words and smile can carry desperate people a long way towards belief.

A few questions needs to be asked.

Would a Spiritually Enlightened/Awakened person allow someone that they see as a charlatan or false “profit” continue on, put a smile on their face, without saying anything against that person, putting no effort into attempting to warn others?  Or, would they speak their feelings?

Sadly, Society in general is becoming lost to the quacks of the world who are out to take, take and take some more for their own profit.  Although, they appear to be doing “good deeds”, giving something for free, appear to be being kind-hearted and helping others, if looked at closely, one can see that the only good these people are doing is for themselves and their own wallets.  The Evangelists who have been caught are one such group.  They are no more trying to help others than they are trying to pad their wallets.  They simply found and used the “hook-in lingo”, the desperate and gullible audience needed and they learned how to use it all together well….some to the tune of millions of dollars bilked from people who were gullible enough to fall for it all.  Thankfully, there were others who called them out on it and some of these Evangelists have done or are, doing jail time for it. There are many others out there who are doing the same thing in different media and different ways.  It’s still the same horse, different breed and the internet is so filled with them that people need to open their own minds and think for themselves first.  The net is easy pickings when someone or many will fall for the bait.

In this case, who was more “spiritually enlightened/awakened”?  The person bilking the money out of people’s wallets or, the ones exposing them?  Think about that for a moment.  I’m sure the answer is clear.

If someone claims that they are something or someone that they’re not but, does so in a pleasing fashion, does that make them who they pretend to be or, does it make those who believe it all, having been taken for a ride?

At first glance at this statement, it would appear that it’s the fault of the con-man.  He did a number on people who were likely wanting to believe that person.  However, on second thought, were those people to have been more awakened and enlightened, they likely couldn’t and wouldn’t have been duped in the first place.

So, whose fault is it really?

Likely, the answer is both to some level or another.  While that might sound cynical and harsh to have said, the truth is, those who fall for a con-man’s game, are usually not thinking clearly enough to have asked themselves questions that would make them second-guess their trust in this person.  Desperate people, do desperate things and want to believe someone who seemingly has all of the answers they are seeking.  Were they to be less in need, they likely would have listened to that little voice inside their guts, telling them that something was amiss in all of this.  Unfortunately, people when desperate, aren’t likely letting this little voice come through as it should and they fall prey as victims to such people.  There’s plenty of these frauds out in this world, out to make it by stepping on other people especially, desperate people’s backs.

“But, I’m getting it all for FREE!  I’m not paying a cent and it’s helping me,” some will claim.

It’s prudent to ask yourself if you really are getting it for free.  This is especially true of people who are trying to sell you something on the internet.  You may not ever take a penny out of your pockets to give that person however, that doesn’t mean that the person isn’t making a decent buck off of each time you click onto one of their “free” offerings.  More to the point, you are paying something to this person from within yourself.  Think about that for a moment, please.

Of course, it goes without much fan-fare or saying that it’s the con-man’s fault for bilking others out of something to get what they want. That’s a given even if that person truly thinks “what’s the harm?  I’m getting what I need and people are getting what they want.”  The fact is, they are  not who they claim to be and they are not giving you what you think you are getting.  No one wins in this scenario though you may not be able to see it.  Worse, no one is spiritually awakened/enlightened by someone who is simply playing a part and making money off of it while others are being drawn into their schtick.

Who can spot these charlatans better than the desperate or those in need of spiritual help?  

Generally, someone who is spiritually devoid or seeking spiritual guidance, is better prey for these types of people than those who are more spiritually awakened.  The reason is fairly simple.  Those who are spiritually awakened or enlightened, will be less likely to be desperate enough to fall for the games of people like this.  They will often see right through the charade that is being put on.  Their gut feelings as they are often called, are more finely tuned and they will pick up the nuances that the desperate or those in search of and in need of, awakening and help will be.  The awakened/enlightened will more quickly pick up on the crap being spewed out with a gut feeling that something is not right about what is happening.  They will question it and seek out truths first.  Even if they themselves, fall for the con-man’s actions, they will rather more than quickly figure  out that there’s something fishy about the entire thing.  If enlightened enough, they will call it out and not simply walk away.

Sadly, those who do call these quacks out on their crap, are often the ones who will take the brunt of criticism from those who are seeking out something from these charlatans as they don’t want their hope to be knocked down.  They have put these self-promoters on a pedestal for saying the right things and seemingly resonating with something within them.  They don’t want to see their hopes shattered.  It’s akin to someone telling them that what they perceive as a life boat, is nothing but a water logged tree limb that will sink the moment that they see it for what it is and look for some other way to keep afloat.  They don’t want to hear it and they will call the person down who has tried to warn them.  It’s part of desperation in human nature but, that’s what the con-men are banking on and using to fulfill their own needs.

Should a Spiritually Awakened/Enlightened person speak only well of someone or something that they can see is taking from others? 

When someone speaks out in a not so loving way about someone that they see is taking advantage in one way or another of others for their own purposes, is it best that a Spiritually Awake/Enlightened person smile and only speak well of the thief or, should they speak out about what they are seeing and feeling?  Would you rather that person go on taking from others and perhaps, you if you let them?

As stated earlier, being spiritually aware, awake and enlightened doesn’t mean acting as though Sainthood has bestowed a vow of love and silence upon them.  As a matter of fact, a spiritually aware, awake and enlightened person is likely more sensitive to the guises that are coming from these types of acts, ranging from unkind and self-serving and leading up to criminal intent and will pick up on it sooner rather than later.  They will likely not be selfish enough to keep silent when they see what has been happening. Something inside of them will nag until they finally feel the need to speak out about it in the hopes of saving others from what they perceive to be happening.  Sadly, they will likely also have to take the brunt of criticism for having done so and perhaps, called names along with accusations that are not fitting their intentions in the first place.

Many of these charlatans will use what they know best about people to get what they want while the true spiritually evolved will recognize their methods and call them out on it.  Is that right or wrong to have done? 

Would a witness to a crime be a hero if they shut their mouths about what they saw happening or would they be a hero for coming forward and helping others capture the criminal?  The rest of this question speaks for itself and is one that everyone needs to ask themselves first and foremost.  Just because they don’t see a crime happening, doesn’t mean one isn’t taking place, does it?  In the same manner, people falling victim to someone who has their own best interests at heart but can’t see it, will call those who do see it, down.  Sad but true.


Even Jesus upturned tables in fits of anger at those who would take from others in an unfair manner.  Would one call Jesus “unenlightened, unawakened and spiritually bereft”?

I will leave this piece here.

Be well.  Love, Light and Blessings.


Published by ponderinglifetoo

I'm a wife, mother, artist, photographer and bookkeeper. I love writing out my thoughts in journals but, am finding my way to sharing these with others now.

2 thoughts on “Spiritual Awakening/Enlightenment Doesn’t Mean Loving Everything Or Everyone

  1. So very well said. So poignant . I think that you express what all of us want to say that cannot express themselves as eloquently as you do .


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